Engagement Photographer

Its official. I’m getting off on the high of nailing down vendors. Its pretty sick actually – the thrill of the kill. Let me lay this out for you.

Scott and I agreed on a photographer for our engagement photos, which are to be taken in Buffalo. I e-mailed the photographer over a week ago about pricing and got a response back before any other vendor I had e-mailed. I was really psyched because his price is reasonable, he’s really talented, and it includes an album. All is well. I e-mail him back with dates of availability.

Then I waited.

For over a week!

And finally, today, he e-mailed me back saying that he had been out of town. Whew, crisis averted. Now to nail down a date!

Am I starting to get a little crazy? Yes. But as long as I’m not bothering Scott we’re all good. 🙂

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