Monthly Archives: August 2011

Its been two days…

…since my babies (the invitations) flew the coop. And I finally have my first reaction!!

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Invitations Mailed & Ring Complimented

So the day has finally come. Yes, the invitations have been mailed. ALL OF THEM. Not just like half, or something (I considered it). A few of you will not be receiving yours in the mail so never fear if … Continue reading

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Invitations & Parties

As Kir mentioned in her previous post, I’ve been a little out of commission lately, but, I’m glad to finally be feeling better! So, what’s been going on as I’ve been wasting away on the couch? Lots! Kir has been … Continue reading

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More Wedding Progress: Dress Fitting, Hair, Invitations

This weekend was a very productive weekend for one, Kirsten Jahn. On Saturday I had my second dress fitting up at Alfred Angelo in Allentown, Pa. The seamstress there had taken in 1.5″ to the bodice and had wrestled my … Continue reading

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