Category Archives: General

Wedding & Honeymoon

Well, the time has officially come and gone, we’re finally married! Kir mentioned in her last post that I would fill in some details from the bachelor party, so let’s start there and work our way forward: My brother Phil, … Continue reading

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Four Days

It’s four days until our wedding! Wow, time has flown by and so much has happened in the last month! Scott & I each had our respective “parties” on September 24th. Scott trekked up to the great B-lo to party … Continue reading

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One Month To Go!

Omg! One month to go until the big day! I just realized that as I opened up this post to start writing. I feel as if I may faint now – so much to do! So what’s been going on … Continue reading

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Its been two days…

…since my babies (the invitations) flew the coop. And I finally have my first reaction!!

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Invitations Mailed & Ring Complimented

So the day has finally come. Yes, the invitations have been mailed. ALL OF THEM. Not just like half, or something (I considered it). A few of you will not be receiving yours in the mail so never fear if … Continue reading

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Invitations & Parties

As Kir mentioned in her previous post, I’ve been a little out of commission lately, but, I’m glad to finally be feeling better! So, what’s been going on as I’ve been wasting away on the couch? Lots! Kir has been … Continue reading

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More Wedding Progress: Dress Fitting, Hair, Invitations

This weekend was a very productive weekend for one, Kirsten Jahn. On Saturday I had my second dress fitting up at Alfred Angelo in Allentown, Pa. The seamstress there had taken in 1.5″ to the bodice and had wrestled my … Continue reading

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Invitation Design!

A lot of people I talk to are wondering when we’re going to be sending out our wedding invitations. Well, we’ve been kind of busy and had really really big plans for our invitations. These “really really big plans” spring … Continue reading

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Groom View Part Two

Any hopes for a regular update from the groom should have died by now, but, since I promised Kir I would write tonight, I’m holding up my promise. What’s been happening in the world of SKIR wedding planning lately? Well, … Continue reading

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Ah, April

Soooo, this month signified 6 months left till the wedding on 4/15! It was a crazy thought. I was actually only reminded of this fact when an e-mail came in on that day from saying “6 Months Until The … Continue reading

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