Hotel Room Block

If anyone has had an issue booking a room under our room block…just try again, everything should be worked out now!

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Storytime with the Groom Pt. 1

Kir has been bugging me for months…I mean like 8 months to make a post on our wedding blog! Now that we’ve put our URL out to our guests, I suppose it’s storytime.

For my first story, I’ll tell you about our engagement.

While we were dating long-distance, we always discussed meeting half-way instead of having one of us drive the full 7-hours to see the other. Unfortunately, we only acted on this plan once before moving in together. We met up for a weekend of wine tasting and relaxing in Watkins Glen, and had such a blast that we decided to go back a year later.

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Mini Update

As a mini update I will let you know that Save the Dates have officially been mailed to 99% of the guests. I picked up my gown on Saturday! We’re also narrowing down the flower vendors and should be making that decision this week.

Fun times!

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I say “dresses” because Jen & Kim also ordered theirs. 🙂

DRESSES BOUGHT!!!! Can I put it on now?!?!

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My First Bridal Show

The Sunday after the NYC dress shopping extravaganza I had signed up for a Lehigh Valley Bridal Show that was being thrown by a local radio station. On the way back from NYC, Scott informed me that he did not want to go, so, after retracing our steps a bit, my mom and I decided to go at it alone.

When we arrived at the Holiday Inn where it was located it was packed! It was even hard to find a parking spot that was close enough to the door so we just kind of planted the Camry next to this other car and started a new row.

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Dress Shopping!

Last Saturday, me and my mom drove to New York City to meet up with my maid of honor, Jennifer, to look for wedding dresses. It was kind of a shlopped together trip as I had suddenly realized that I should probably start looking for dresses the week before. What can I say? I was pretty apathetic towards the whole thing because I knew it would just have to be another hard decision I would have to make.

My mom and I drove up to the city in her Toyota Camry and it was the first time it or I had ever driven in the city. I have to say, it was not bad at all. The roads are wider in New York City than in Philly so it was pretty easy before 10 am on a Saturday. We found Jen’s apartment easily and, due to construction around her place and the built up snow, it was easy to find a nice secluded spot in front of her building – win!

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Engagement Announcement in the Paper!

It happened! The engagement announcement finally went out in the Ambler Gazette and our picture even made it on the front cover. Here she is in all of her I-totally-used-my-phone-instead-of-my-$1,200-camera-to-take-this-picture glory:

And then of course I promptly tweeted it. 🙂

Oh, happy days…

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Cake Tasting: Weekend #2

This past weekend Scott & I entertained two more bakeries in an effort to nail down our wedding cake for October. Our first stop was the Emmaus Bakery, which ended up being a quaint family-owned business. The woman, Andrea, was very nice. Their buttercream icing was good, although it did leave me wondering what else was in it as it had some other flavor in it when compared to my mother’s. Their cake was kinda average but their prices were much more reasonable then the last two establishments we had visited the weekend prior.

After leaving Emmaus Scott & I wondered if it was even necessary to make our last stop of the day, Merry’s Cakes in Stroudsburg. They were having a tasting day where you picked up a box of ten cake combinations for $10. They were the only one to charge for a tasting and it was a whole other hour north for us to travel. We decided, why not?

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It’s 2011 Already!

It’s 2011 already and much has changed since September. Scott & I have decided to move our wedding date *up* and so now instead of 05/12/12 we’re looking at a 10/15/11 hitch date. So hence, 2011 is a very important year!

Scott & I have been a little busy as of late with moving in to our new house and the holidays and all. We managed to get quite a few things done though in the last month. We have now booked the officiant, dj, & photographer. Major things remaining include: flowers, dress, cake, and a zillion other things. If you talk to Scott though he’ll tell you that “all of the major stuff is done,” lol. I disagree.

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Engagement Photos Complete

Hello boys and girls. Nothing much to report on the wedding front as we’ve kind of been tied up with the day-to-day work that we do as well as buying a house(!). :-X

BUT I do have to report on how our engagement photo session went!

BCT LogoIt was a miracle that Scott & I were able to schedule our engagement photos. We knew we’d have to do it on a Saturday because of travel to Buffalo, etc and we preferred a “sweet light” time of day, meaning sunrise or sunset. I was anxious to ask the Buffalo Central Terminal Restoration Corporation for one of these times because, according to what I remembered, they typically had their work sessions on Saturday mornings. Bummer. I was pleasantly surprised, however, when I was able to schedule the photos on August 28th at 5.30 pm!

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